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White & Awakening: Mindfulness Practices for Exploring and Disrupting the Impact of White Conditioning (CJ1N24)

Crystal A. Johnson, PhD

Open Dates

Online Program Online

Online Learning Platform

  • $218.00 – Benefactor Rate
  • $108.00 – Sustainer Rate
  • $98.00 – Basic Rate
  • Dāna: Pay What You Can! You may enter any amount. If you are able to offer more than $218, please do. If you are unable to pay at the $98 level, please pay at the highest level you can.

Refund Policy: No refund is available for on-demand courses.

This is a self-paced, on-demand course for self-identified white folx and those for whom whiteness is a significant part of their identity. The course walks the learner through the historical creation of whiteness and how it operates systemically and offers exercises, techniques, and mindfulness practices for working with the difficult emotions that arise when exploring racial conditioning.  The course offers learners an opportunity to reflect on their own experiences of whiteness and offers a framework and strategies for addressing the harm that arises through microaggressions and other types of interpersonal interactions. The course is designed to offer an introduction or a refresher for white people to strengthen their knowledge and skills for building relationships in diverse communities.

Participants may take the course on their own or with a group of peers and do the exercises and discussions together.

The course includes recorded videos with related readings, video resources, meditation instructions, and prompts for journaling, discussion, and other suggested exercises. The course is taught from a Buddhist perspective, though it makes use of other frameworks as needed. Material is presented in language that is designed to be accessible to those who are not familiar with Buddhist teachings. Key Buddhist teachings include the Four Noble Truths, ethical conduct, non-self, impermanence, and compassion.

This course has been produced by and for the East Bay Meditation Center (EBMC) and is offered here as a collaboration between EBMC and Spirit Rock.

Length: 10 hours

Donation-Based (Dāna). We are offering the course on a dāna basis in order to make it as accessible as possible. We invite you to donate at the highest level you can for the good of all. Your generosity sustains the work of the East Bay Meditation Center to offer programs centered on people of color, LGBTQI+ folks, and people living with disabilities and chronic illnesses, and for Spirit Rock to offer scholarships to practitioners who otherwise could not afford to attend retreats and classes.

Refund Policy: No refund is available for on-demand courses.

Continuing Education (CE) credit available:
This program offers 10 home-study CE credits for $100 for psychologists and California-licensed MFTs, LCSWs, LEPs, LPCCs, nurses, and chiropractors. Please review our Continuing Education Credit information page to determine if your association or board will accept credits offered by Spirit Rock.

Teachings are appropriate for health care professionals as well as the general public.

White healthcare providers can benefit from this course by better understanding diverse perspectives and cultural sensitivities, ultimately enhancing their ability to provide inclusive and equitable care to patients from different backgrounds. The resources offered in this program support white healthcare providers to engage in self-reflection, explore biases, and develop strategies for fostering compassion and cultural competence in their professional practice. Incorporating Buddhist teachings, including the Four Noble Truths, ethical conduct, non-self, impermanence, and compassion, offers additional frameworks for healthcare providers to cultivate empathy and mindfulness in their patient interactions.

Learning Objectives for participating health care professionals-

At the end of the program, you will be better able to:

  • Describe effective communication strategies for engaging with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, emphasizing active listening and supporting equity based on the guidelines for multicultural interactions.
  • Describe whiteness as a social construction that has a wide-ranging impact on personal identity and interpersonal interactions.
  • Analyze the systemic nature of racism and how it affects mental and physical health and well-being in personal and professional settings.
  • Analyze the ethical implications of one’s behavior as it measures up to personal and professional values.
  • Utilize mindfulness practices for working through the difficult emotions that get in the way of anti-racist action.
  • Identify strategies for navigating the interpersonal impact of microaggressions in order to repair and strengthen relationships.
  • Describe practices to engage other white people in personal and professional settings that interrupt the harm of racism and create more inclusive environments.
  • Identify proactive strategies for continued learning and application of new knowledge and skills to one’s own work environment that will continue the work of disrupting the impact of white conditioning in both a personal and professional setting.

Continuing Education Content level: Introductory


  • For full Provider information and additional CEC information, including attendance requirements, cancellation, and grievance policies, please visit our Continuing Education Credit information page.
  • For those with a license different than the one listed above or with a license from a different board or association than the one listed on our CEC info page, please contact your licensing board or association directly to request pre-approval/acceptance of CE credits offered at Spirit Rock. Spirit Rock does not confirm the applicability of credit for those with licenses different than those listed.
  • Spirit Rock is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16905 for 10 contact hours.
  • Credit is awarded for instructional time only and does not include extended silent meditation if offered.

About the Teacher

Crystal Johnson

Crystal A. Johnson, PhD

Crystal is a retired clinical psychologist, dharma practitioner and teacher who has co-created, and co-teaches programs for white dharma practitioners seeking to build awareness, knowledge and skills to challenge the dynamics of white privilege and race-based oppression, and to create truly diverse sangha. These programs include: White and Awakening in Sangha, a six month program […]

Learn more about Crystal A. Johnson, PhD

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