Equanimity: Finding Balance in Difficult Times (JB1N24)
James Baraz, MA
Open Dates
Equanimity (upekkhā) is a highly-valued quality in Buddhist teachings. But what is equanimity? How do we cultivate it in our meditation practice? Even more, how do we access it in daily life, especially in times like these with so much uncertainty, fear, and sadness over the suffering in the world?
Through talks, meditations, and prompts for inquiry, we will explore the development of equanimity in our formal practice, as well as aspects of equanimity that can be applied pragmatically to our life off the cushion. This course is appropriate for both new and experienced practitioners.
What is Included in the Course
This self-paced on-demand course includes Dharma talks, meditations, frequently asked questions, and reflective journaling prompts.
Length: ~5 hours
Course Outline
Section 1: What is Equanimity?
Introduction & Welcome
Talk: Exploring Equanimity
Practice: Letting Go of Judgment
Movement: Enjoying the Moment
Section 2: Finding “Good Enough”
Talk: Seeing Things as They Are
Practice: Looking through the Lens of Anicca
Talk: Looking through the Lens of Vedanā
Practice: Noticing the “Flavor” of Moments
Section 3: Awareness
Talk: The Field in Which All Things Come and Go
Practice: Big Sky
Movement: Awareness That’s Knowing Everything
Talk: Everything Arises & Passes
Practice: Formal Equanimity Practices
Frequently Asked Questions
Section 4: Wise Action
Talk: Equanimity, Centeredness, & Acting Wisely
Sliding Scale: Our sliding scale options for this program include financial support for our teachers. Please consider paying at the highest rate that you can afford: your generosity supports the teachers as well as Spirit Rock, staff, and your fellow practitioners.
Benefactor – $108
Sustainer – $58
Basic – $48
Scholarship Rate (BIPOC, M/K) – $38
All are welcome! No one will be turned away for lack of funds. For more information, please email Registration@spiritrock.org.
Refund Policy: No refund is available for on-demand courses.
Continuing Education (CE) credit available:
This program offers 5 homestudy CE credits for $50 for psychologists, and California licensed MFTs, LCSWs, LEPs, LPCCs, nurses, and chiropractors. Please review our Continuing Education Credit information page to determine if your association or board will accept credits offered by Spirit Rock.*
Healthcare providers can benefit from exploring the development of equanimity in their mindfulness practice as it can help them cultivate a sense of calm and balance in the face of uncertainty, fear, and sadness that they encounter in their work. By applying aspects of equanimity pragmatically in their daily life, healthcare providers can enhance their ability to navigate challenging situations, maintain emotional resilience, and provide compassionate care to patients.
This continuing education course offers valuable insights and techniques that may be shared with patients and clients.
Teachings are appropriate for health care professionals as well as the general public.
Learning Objectives for participating health care professionals-
At the end of the program, you will be better able to:
- Define equanimity and its relevance to the healthcare profession, including its potential benefits for patient care and personal well-being;
- Describe practical techniques and strategies for cultivating equanimity through meditation practice, allowing healthcare providers to enhance their emotional resilience, maintain composure in challenging situations, and provide compassionate care to patients;
- Describe how equanimity can be accessed and applied in daily life, particularly in times of uncertainty, fear, and sadness, in order to support personal well-being, reduce burnout, and foster empathetic connections with patients;
- Apply equanimity practices to patient interactions, enabling healthcare providers to respond with empathy, non-judgment, and calmness in the face of patients’ suffering.
Continuing Education content level: Introductory
*Please note:
- For full Provider information and additional CEC information, including attendance requirements, cancellation, and grievance policies, please visit our Continuing Education Credit information page.
- For those with a different license than listed above or with a license from a different board or association than listed on our CEC info page, please contact your licensing board or association directly to request pre-approval/acceptance of CE credits offered at Spirit Rock. Spirit Rock does not confirm the applicability of credit for those with licenses different than those listed.
- Spirit Rock is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16905 for 5 contact hours.
- Credit is awarded for instructional time only and does not include extended silent meditation if offered.
- Attendance is demonstrated through a comprehensive assessment at the end of the course, with a passing criterion of at least a 75% percent score. The assessment may be repeated if necessary.
About the Teacher

James Baraz, MA
James Baraz, MA, has a master’s in Psychology and is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center. James started the Community Dharma Leader program, the Kalyana Mitta Network, the Spirit Rock Family Program and helped create the Heavenly Messengers Training Program. James has been leading the online course Awakening Joy since 2003. He serves […]
Learn more about James Baraz, MACategories : CE Credits, Dharma Institute, On-Demand Course, Online