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2025 March Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat - Application (212R25)

Tara Mulay, Tempel Smith, Tuere Sala, Devin Berry, Anushka Fernandopulle, Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP, Francisco Morillo Gable, Marjolein Janssen and Rasika Link

March 1 - 29, 2025

Date and Time Details:
Saturday to Saturday
March 1 - 29, 2025 (28 nights)
Arrival Time: 2:30 - 4:30pm
Departure Time: 11:00am

On Land - Main Retreat Hall

Contact: Spirit Rock Registration

    The application period opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. Those who apply between July 10 – August 28, 2024 (by 11:59pm Pacific Time) will be included in the first round of notifications.

    Admission for this retreat is by application and a lottery-style selection in order to maintain a diverse community of practitioners – see “Application Process” for more information. PLEASE READ all details below before applying.


    Prerequisites for One-Month Retreat (28-night retreat): BEFORE applying, you must have completed at least 14 nights of silent residential retreat time. This retreat time must include a minimum of two (2) silent residential retreats with each of these six (6) nights or longer.

    Other Important Notes About Prerequisites: These retreats must have been led by Spirit Rock, IMS, or IRC teachers, or other recognized Insight Meditation teachers. Previous retreats must be silent residential retreats and have a similar format to this retreat, with instructions, practices, and talks focused on Insight Meditation. Online retreats do not qualify for these retreat prerequisites. When applying, you will need to provide the teachers’ names, dates, location, length (# of nights), and style of the retreats.

    An extended retreat period offers the rare opportunity for sustained, dedicated practice. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing profound clarity and depth of Insight practice. Instructions will follow the traditional four foundations of mindfulness, influenced by the teachings of Mahasi Sayadaw and other Theravada (Insight Meditation) traditions, and will be supported by a variety of skillful means. The teachings will encompass training in the heart qualities of lovingkindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity, with a daily schedule structured around periods of silent meditation, guided instructions, Dharma talks, practice meetings with teachers, and optional mindful movement.

    These extended retreats (as with all retreats at Spirit Rock) are NOT open for self-retreats.

    Please consider selecting the highest possible level you can reasonably afford: your generosity supports your community of practitioners who need to pay less as well as staff and Spirit Rock.

    Supporter Rate – $11,620 (single room; covers cost of retreat, plus a deeply generous dana offering to Spirit Rock)
    Benefactor Rate – $8,400 (single room; covers cost of retreat, with a meaningful dana contribution to Spirit Rock)
    Sustainer Rate – $6,160 (single room; covers cost of retreat)
    Basic Rate – $4,620 (double or single room possible; partially subsidized rate)
    Scholarship Rate (YA, BIPOC, M/K) – $2,100 (double or single room possible; significantly subsidized rate)
    PLUS a donation to the teacher(s).

    CANCELLATION POLICY – One-month Retreat:

    • $250 fee* = on or before January 4, 2025 (>8 weeks)
    • $500 fee* = January 5 – February 1, 2025 (4-8 weeks)
    • $750 fee* = February 2 – 15, 2025 (2-4 weeks)
    • NO REFUNDS = February 16, 2025 or after (applies to ALL participants)

    *Fees reduced 50% for scholarship participants, excluding last tier.

    The application period opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. Those who apply between July 10 – August 28, 2024 (by 11:59pm Pacific Time) will be included in the first round of notifications.

    Participants will be selected from the pool of applicants with priority given to BIPOC folks, young adults, and those who identify as LGBTQIA+ (whether scholarships are requested or not).

    First round notifications will be sent via email by Friday, September 20, 2024. Please refrain from calling or emailing before this deadline. We will need this time to process all applications, coordinate with teachers, and allocate scholarship funding. If you are selected, you will receive an email with a special link to register and pay your retreat fees online. If you end up on the wait list, you will be notified of your relative position on the wait list.

    For All Applicants: To be included in the first round of notifications, your application must be complete, including prerequisites already met, and submitted by the deadline. No exceptions.

    If you submit an application after August 28, 2024:
    We will continue to accept applications on a rolling basis after the initial deadline of August 28 until the start of the retreat. Applications received after this date will be put on a wait list if the retreat is full.

    Scholarship funding is offered to those needing financial assistance to attend. We receive many more requests for scholarships than we have funding for so we cannot guarantee scholarships will be available to all in need.

    For monthlong retreats only: Spirit Rock extends the upper age limit of the Young Adult (YA) scholarship rate to individuals 18-32 years of age. A limited number of these YA rates will be available.

    If you need scholarship funds to attend, once the application is available, please be sure to complete the Scholarship Section. Funding may likely not be available later.

    PLEASE READ – Details on our current COVID Safety Protocols for in-person retreats.

    About the Teachers

    Tara Mulay

    Tara Mulay teaches and mentors Insight Meditation Practitioners to refine their mindfulness practice, both on the meditation cushion and in daily life. She was trained and authorized to teach by Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts and is a Guiding Teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Tara began her intensive mindfulness practice while working as […]

    Learn more about Tara Mulay

    Tempel Smith

    Tempel Smith teaches Mindfulness, Insight and Metta meditation with an emphasis on Buddhist psychology and mind-body awareness. He spent a year as a monk in Burma with Sayadaw U Pandita and Pa Auk Sayadaw. Tempel serves on the Spirit Rock Teachers Council, organizes the Dedicated Practitioners Program (DPP) and Living Dharma retreats for Spirit Rock […]

    Learn more about Tempel Smith
    Tuere Sala

    Tuere Sala

    Tuere Sala is a Guiding Teacher at Spirit Rock Retreat Center and Seattle Insight. She is a retired prosecuting attorney who has practiced Vipassana meditation for over 30 years. Tuere is committed to lay practice and inspired by bringing the Dharma to nontraditional places. She is a strong advocate for practitioners living with high stress, […]

    Learn more about Tuere Sala

    Devin Berry

    Devin Berry is co-founder of Deeper Still, a teen meditation sangha at East Bay Meditation Center and serves as a founding board member of Mindful Peacebuilding. A meditation practitioner since 1999, he is a student of Thich Nhat Hanh as well as a Vipassana practitioner. Devin is a graduate of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher-training practicum. […]

    Learn more about Devin Berry
    Anushka Fernandopulle

    Anushka Fernandopulle

    Anushka Fernandopulle is a Spirit Rock Retreat Teacher who has trained for over 35 years in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Anushka studied Buddhism at Harvard College and then spent four years in full-time Dharma and meditation training in monasteries and retreat centers in the US, India and Sri Lanka. Anushka was invited to teach Dharma […]

    Learn more about Anushka Fernandopulle
    Kristina Baré

    Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP

    Kristina Baré is an insight meditation teacher, therapist, and Somatic Experiencing practitioner. She has trained primarily in the Burmese lineages of Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw and Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw. She enjoys supporting students deepening samadhi, loving-kindness and insight. Opening the door to an expansion of the heart and to liberating wisdom. In support of the […]

    Learn more about Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP
    Francisco Morillo Gable

    Francisco Morillo Gable

    Francisco has been devoted to Dharma since 2003.  Thanks to this, he made an unexpected recovery from an accident that rendered him disabled.  He studies and teaches early Buddhism with Bikkhu Analayo.  He is in teacher training at the Insight Meditation Center with Andrea Fella and Gil Fronsdal.  His primary interests are teaching underserved groups […]

    Learn more about Francisco Morillo Gable
    Marjolein Janssen

    Marjolein Janssen

    Marjolein (pronunciation “Mar-yo-line”) Janssen is originally from the Netherlands. Since 2011 she has been practicing insight meditation intensively in Europe, the US, as well as Myanmar, where she was ordained as a Buddhist nun. Marjolein brings both formal practice and practice in daily life to her teachings. She seeks to offer a practical approach to […]

    Learn more about Marjolein Janssen
    Rasika Link

    Rasika Link

    Rasika has been practicing and teaching hatha yoga since 1984. She has been influenced by many teachers in both the Iyengar and Kripalu traditions. In 1999 she began vipassana practices at Spirit Rock, and her yoga classes gradually shifted to a more concentrated, mindful style of teaching. She invites curiosity to awaken in the asanas […]

    Learn more about Rasika Link

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