World as Lover, World as Self (JM1N24)
Joanna Macy, PhD and Jennifer Berezan
Open Dates
Joanna Macy’s 1991 book World as Lover, World as Self helped create the Engaged Buddhist movement and has been an inspiration to thousands of people seeking to integrate Buddhist wisdom with social and environmental action. It is the foundation of her life’s work, now known as The Work That Reconnects. Macy is a beloved elder at Spirit Rock and in the Engaged Buddhist community worldwide. This course records her last teaching at Spirit Rock in 2021, before her retirement.
Along with her long-time collaborator, musician Jennifer Berezan, Macy weaves a sensuous spell of wisdom and heart teachings, engagement with the reality of the climate crisis, and affirmation of interconnection and care for all beings as the core values of the Dharma. Through story, song, meditation, and interactive practice, Macy and Berezan explore the enrichment of our view and practice these lenses bring to our experience in the world.
Sliding Scale: Our sliding scale options for this program include financial support for our teachers. Please consider paying at the highest rate that you can afford: your generosity supports the teachers as well as Spirit Rock, staff, and your fellow practitioners (who need to pay less).
Benefactor Rate – $108
Sustainer Rate – $58
Basic Rate – $48
Scholarship Rate (BIPOC, M/K) – $38
All are welcome! No one will be turned away for lack of funds. For more information, please email
Refund Policy
No refund is available for on-demand courses.
About the Teachers

Joanna Macy, PhD
Joanna Macy is a scholar of Buddhism, systems theory and deep ecology. A respected voice in the movements for peace, justice, and ecology, she teaches worldwide for eco-warriors and activists for global justice. As the root teacher of the Work That Reconnects, she has created a ground-breaking theoretical framework for personal and social change. Her books […]
Learn more about Joanna Macy, PhD
Jennifer Berezan
Jennifer Berezan is a unique blend of singer/songwriter, teacher, ritualist, and activist. She weaves the sacred into heart-achingly beautiful, original contemporary musical styles, including folk, rock, chant, and pop. Her work is deeply imbued with Buddhist and earth-based themes. Jennifer creates cross-cultural community concert rituals in devotion to the world.
Learn more about Jennifer BerezanCategories : Dharma Institute, On-Demand Course, Online