Self-Compassion: Opening Your Heart to Yourself (KN1M24)
Kristin Neff, PhD
September 14 - 15, 2024
Registration closes at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on September 14, 2024. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Continuing Education Credits? (see details below)
Self-compassion is simply compassion turned inward. It involves tapping into our larger, more connected and loving sense of self so we can send compassion to our more contracted, limited, and separate sense of self.
This workshop will focus on expanding your sense of who you are, so you can open your heart to yourself. It will provide concrete tools for responding in a compassionate way whenever you suffer. You will explore how to soothe and comfort yourself so you can handle difficult emotions with greater ease, and also how to motivate change with kindness. Through lecture, discussion, meditation, and experiential exercises, you will gain concrete tools to put self-compassion into practice in your daily life.
Sliding Scale: Our sliding scale options for this program include financial support for our teachers. Please consider paying at the highest rate that you can afford: your generosity supports the teachers as well as Spirit Rock, staff, and your fellow practitioners.
Benefactor – $600
Sustainer – $450
Basic – $250
Scholarship Rate (BIPOC, M/K) – $50
All are welcome! No one will be turned away for lack of funds as space allows. For more information, please email
*Recording Note: You will have ~90 days from the original program date to view the program. If you would like access to the recording, you must register by the deadline above. The recording will be available in ~10 days after the program.
Important Note for CEC participants: If you are interested in receiving continuing education credits (CECs), you must register and pay for CECs prior to the start of the program (no retroactive CECs will be given) and you must attend the entire program. Please review the CEC information below.
Cancellation Policy – Online: Drop-ins, Daylongs, Multiday Programs (1-3 days), Family Programs/Series, CEC fees:
- Open Credit, or Donation to Spirit Rock = if cancel by midnight, the day prior to program start (Pacific Time)
- No Open Credit = if cancel day of the program, or beyond
Continuing Education (CE) credit available:
This program offers 6 CE credits for $60 for psychologists, and California licensed MFTs, LCSWs, LEPs, LPCCs, nurses, and chiropractors. Please review our Continuing Education Credit information page to determine if your association or board will accept credits offered by Spirit Rock.***
Teachings are appropriate for health care professionals as well as the general public. Self-compassion practices are crucial for healthcare providers as they encounter immense stress and emotional strain in their roles. By cultivating self-compassion, healthcare providers can better cope with the challenges they face, reducing burnout and increasing resilience. This self-care enables them to maintain empathy and provide higher-quality care to their patients.
Learning Objectives for participating health care professionals-
At the end of the program you will be better able to:
- Identify the three key components of self-compassion;
- Describe key research that supports the benefits of self-compassion;
- Utilize techniques to increase self-compassion in everyday life, as well as in a clinical setting;
- Utilize kindness practices, rather than self-criticism, to cultivate positive self-motivation.
Continuing Education content level: Introductory
***Please note:
- For full Provider information, and additional CEC information, including attendance requirements, cancellation, and grievance policies, please visit our Continuing Education Credit information page.
- For those with a different license than listed above, or with a license from a different board or association than listed on our CEC info page, please contact your licensing board or association directly to request pre-approval/acceptance of CE credits offered at Spirit Rock. Spirit Rock does not confirm applicability of credit for those with licenses different than those listed.
- Spirit Rock is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16905 for 6 contact hours.
- Credit is awarded for instructional time only and does not include extended silent meditation, if offered.
About the Teacher
Kristin Neff, PhD
Kristin Neff, PhD received her doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley, studying moral development. She did two years of postdoctoral study at the University of Denver studying self-concept development. She is currently an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. During Dr. Neff's last year of graduate school, […]
Learn more about Kristin Neff, PhDCategories : CE Credits, Multi-day, Online, Retreat