Mindful Leadership Training (ML4T24)
Nikki Mirghafori, PhD and Marc Lesser, MBA
February 3 - June 15, 2024
Registration Deadline: March 6, 2024 (registration open until 5:00pm US Pacific Time). A waiting list will be created if the program fills early.
Mindful Leadership Training: Compassion, Empowerment, and Impact
Program Dates: February 2024 – June 2024
All large group sessions are on Saturdays from 9:30am – 4:30pm US Pacific Time
and are online via Zoom.
Sat, February 3
Sat, March 9
Sat, March 30
Sat, April 20
Sat, May 11
Sat, June 1
Sat, June 15
Program Description
This online certificate training program is open to and designed for leaders and aspiring leaders in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. We will cultivate mindful and compassionate leadership skills and practices to embody our care for ourselves and others, with a mindset of service to community and the world.
A core, distinct pedagogical approach of this program is participating in and co-learning with a supportive community of like-minded peers both in the large group and small monthly pod meetings. Through lectures, group discussion, guided meditations, readings, reflections, experiential exercises, and personal meditation practice, we will cultivate skills and behaviors that can be applied directly to our personal and professional lives. By developing and incorporating these intentional practices, we will strengthen professional relationships and workplace environments, expanding impact beyond our own learning for the broader benefit of our work and organization(s).
This program includes training in three realms: personal, relational, and organizational. Some included themes are:
- Mindful, compassionate, values-aligned leadership
- Cultivating well-being: self-care, rest, and resilience
- Self-awareness and self-management: emotional intelligence and working with difficult emotions
- Transforming professional and personal relationships through embodied, skillful communication
- Courageous conversations
- Empowering and inspiring people and teams
- Coaching and mentoring: compassionate accountability
- Fostering and co-creating belonging
Program Includes
- Monthly large group sessions – online (recorded)
- Monthly team sessions
- Daily and monthly home practices and readings
- Monthly written reflections
- Monthly Q&As – online (recorded)
- Optional opt-in affinity groups
Participation Commitment
- Must attend at least 5 of 7 large group sessions live (and access recordings of any missed sessions)
- Meditation: 20-30 min/day recommended
- Reading, journaling, and written reflections: 4-8 hr/month
- Team meetings: 1 hr/month
- Q&A Sessions: 1 hr/month (highly recommended but not required, and will be recorded)
- Attend ONE program orientation (highly recommended, especially if you have not used our Online Learning Platform before)
- Tues, Jan 30; 5:30pm PT
- Fri, Feb 2; 11:00amPT
Please consider paying at the highest rate that you can afford: your generosity supports the teachers of this program as well as Spirit Rock, staff, and your fellow practitioners. Any amount offered above the Base rate of $2500 is a tax-deductible donation to Spirit Rock, and your generosity will enable and support the participation of others.
Benefactor = $5,000
Sustainer = $3,000
Base DTP = $2,500
Mudita/Karuna Scholarship Rate = $1700*
Black, Indigenous, and People of color (BIPOC) Scholarship Rate = $1700*
*Both Mudita/Karuna Scholarship and BIPOC Scholarship rates are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis; and both are reserved for those truly experiencing financial hardship.
Financial Details
Participating in MLT will require your commitment of both time and financial resources. ALL participants have the option of paying in full or a 30% deposit at the time of registration. All program fees must be paid in full two weeks prior to the start. If you need a payment plan option other than what is available online, please reach out to the Registration Dept for assistance. If you need to withdraw from the program, the following fee structure will apply.
Important note: Installments can only be set up on credit cards. If you register less than 3 weeks prior to the start, a payment plan is not automatically available online. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Cancellation Policy**
$100 fee: On or before February 1, by 5:00 p.m. US Pacific Time
$500 fee: February 2 – March 9
NO REFUNDS: On or after March 10 (applies to all participants)
**Fees reduced by half for scholarship participants. Fees apply to all participants. Late cancellations do not allow us time to fill a vacated spot in the program.
About the Teachers
Nikki Mirghafori, PhD
Nikki Mirghafori, PhD, is a Buddhist teacher and Artificial Intelligence scientist. She is a lineage holder in the Theravada tradition, empowered by the living Burmese meditation master Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw, with whom she practiced the jhanas and detailed analytical (Abhidhamma-style) vipassana. She also received empowerment from the Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Insight Meditation Society, […]
Learn more about Nikki Mirghafori, PhDMarc Lesser, MBA
Marc Lesser is a CEO, executive coach, and Zen teacher. He founded and was CEO of 3 companies, and has an MBA degree from New York University. Finding Clarity: How Compassionate Accountability Builds Vibrant Relationships, Thriving Workplaces, and Meaningful Lives, is his fifth book. His other books include Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader: Lessons […]
Learn more about Marc Lesser, MBACategories : Dharma Institute, Dharma Training, Multi-day, Online