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Insight Meditation Retreat (350R22) - On Land

Gil Fronsdal, Amana Brembry Johnson, Rev. Shinmu Tamori Gibson and Tuere Sala

April 15 - 20, 2022

Date and Time Details:
Friday to Wednesday
April 15-20, 2022 (5 nights)
Arrival Time: 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Departure Time: 11:00 a.m.

On Land - Main Retreat Hall

Sliding Scale:
Fees DO NOT include a donation to the teacher(s). Code 350R22.

Contact: Spirit Rock Registration

  • Reduced-shared room – $600.00
  • Supporter-guaranteed single – $2,400.00
  • Benefactor-shared room – $1,900.00
  • Sustainer-shared room – $1,450.00
  • Base Rate-shared room – $950.00
  • Mudita/Karuna Scholarship-shared room – $250.00
  • BIPOC Scholarship-shared room – $250.00
  • Young Adult Scholarship-shared room – $250.00

Cancellation Policy for Residential Retreats:
To offer participants greater flexibility as we make our way out of the pandemic, we’ve changed our cancellation policy for residential retreats.

  • $100 fee* when you cancel 2 or more weeks before the retreat (*fees reduced to half for scholarship participants)
  • No refunds when you cancel less than 2 weeks prior to the retreat (applies to all participants)

Registration open until 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Time) on April 15, 2022. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early.

Open to Everyone

This is a silent retreat designed especially for those relatively new to the practices of Insight Meditation (vipassanā). The retreat includes systematic instructions on vipassanā meditation—both sitting and walking—as well as lovingkindness practices, meetings with teachers, and evening talks highlighting the central teachings of the Buddha and their practical application to our lives.

Scholarship offerings: In returning to the land, we will also be returning to our pre-pandemic scholarship options and policies. All scholarship rates require a minimum fee ($50/night). Scholarships are limited to TWO per calendar year for on-land retreats. And, while we are not able to offer “no one turned away”-type of scholarships for in-person retreats, they are still available for online offerings.

Room Occupancy Update*: Starting with our “Living with Awareness” retreat on March 27, 2022, we will return to double occupancy rooms. Most of our rooms are single occupancy (only 16 of 80 rooms are double occupancy). We will also return to offering a “guaranteed single room” rate and these will be limited (16). This rate guarantees a single room while helping to support scholarships and all we do here at Spirit Rock. Single rooms are not exclusive to the top end of the sliding scale; everyone has a chance of being assigned a single room.

*Subject to change depending upon COVID-19 situation.

IMPORTANT – Details on our current COVID Safety Protocols for In-person Retreats.

Cancellation Policy
To offer participants greater flexibility as we make our way out of the pandemic, we’ve changed our cancellation policy for residential retreats:

  • $100 fee* when you cancel two or more weeks before the retreat (*fees reduced to half for scholarship participants)
  • No refunds when you cancel less than two weeks prior to the retreat (applies to all participants)

About the Teachers

Gil Fronsdal

Gil Fronsdal has practiced Zen and Vipassana since 1975 and has a Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from Stanford. Trained by Jack Kornfield, he is the founder and primary teacher of the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, California and is also a husband and father. He is the author of The Issue at Hand, co-editor […]

Learn more about Gil Fronsdal

Amana Brembry Johnson

Amana Brembry Johnson, Residential Dharma Teacher and Community Leader, is a Core Teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center (EBMC), located in Oakland, CA and co-Guiding Teacher of EBMC’s Spiritual Teacher and Leadership Training. Amana mentors local and international groups of emerging Mindfulness teachers through the Mindfulness Meditation Training Certification Program (MMTCP) designed and developed […]

Learn more about Amana Brembry Johnson

Rev. Shinmu Tamori Gibson

Rev. Shinmu Tamori Gibson (心無 田守 ギブソン) (fka Jozen) lives to study, nourish, and offer contemplative heart-body-mind practices and spaces rooted in compassionate wellness, anti-oppression, and interdependent liberation for all beings through the Buddhadharma. Shinmu is a Sotō Zen monastic priest ordained on November 12, 2023 by their teacher, Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel of the […]

Learn more about Rev. Shinmu Tamori Gibson
Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala is a Guiding Teacher at Spirit Rock Retreat Center and Seattle Insight. She is a retired prosecuting attorney who has practiced Vipassana meditation for over 30 years. Tuere is committed to lay practice and inspired by bringing the Dharma to nontraditional places. She is a strong advocate for practitioners living with high stress, […]

Learn more about Tuere Sala

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