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Deep Dive Dharma: Liberation and the Sure Heart's Release (DD1T24)

Pamela Weiss and Erin Treat

September 28, 2024 - April 12, 2025

Date and Time Details:
September 28, 2024 - April 12, 2025
Times variable - see details in description.

Online via Zoom

Contact: Spirit Rock Registration

  • Benefactor DTP. – $5,000.00
  • Sustainer DTP. – $3,000.00
  • Basic DTP. – $1,850.00
  • Mudita/Karuna Scholarship DTP. – $1,300.00
  • BIPOC Scholarship DTP. – $1,300.00

Cancellation Policy:*

  • $75 non-refundable, flat fee = on or before August 14, 2024
  • 15% fee = Aug 15 - Sept 12, 2024
  • 30% fee = Sept 13 - 27, 2024
  • 50% fee = Sept 28 - Oct 12, 2024
  • NO REFUNDS = On or after Oct 13, 2024
*Cancellation fee is a percentage of the total amount agreed to pay. These fees apply to all participants. Late cancellations do not allow us time to fill a vacated spot in the program. All fees help to support future scholarships at Spirit Rock.

Registration closes at 11:59pm (US Pacific Time) on September 25, 2024. A waiting list will be created if it fills early.

Program Dates: September 2024 – April 2025

Pre-course Orientation: (ONE is required)

  • Fri, Sep 20; 11:00am – 12:00pm PT
  • Wed, Sep 25; 4:00 – 5:00pm PT

Nine (9) Large group sessions:

  • Opening Session: Saturday, Sep 28; 10:00am-1:00pm PT
  • Monthly (7) Wednesdays: Oct 9, Nov 6, Dec 4, Jan 8, Feb 5, March 5, April 2; 4:00-6:00pm PT
  • Closing Session: Saturday, April 12; 10:00am-1:00pm PT

Optional – Six (6) Monthly Q&A Sessions (Wednesdays): Oct 23, Nov 20, Dec 18, Jan 22, Feb 19, March 19; 4:00-5:00pm PT

Preferred Prerequisites (strongly encouraged, not required):

  • 3+ years of dedicated meditation practice
  • Completion of at least two silent meditation retreats (on-land or online)


Deep Dive Dharma is an online program for experienced practitioners on essential Buddhist teachings of liberation. Through meditation and interactive inquiry, we will explore the Three Characteristics, Emptiness, Suchness, Dependent Origination, the Two Truths, Nature of Mind, Awareness, and Awakening. The heart of the program is bringing these complex teachings alive in our daily lives through embodied relational inquiry. One of the unique features of this program is the exploration of both Theravāda and Mahāyāna teachings.

The program will begin and end with half-day bookend sessions. A new topic will be introduced on the first Wednesday of each month in our large group meeting. A second monthly optional session will include interactive inquiry and time for discussion.

Comprehensive readings, reflections, and practices will be offered each month to support the integration of the topics into daily life. Our aim is to build a strong relational field and establish a robust Saṅgha together.

The program is intended for experienced practitioners familiar with fundamental Buddhist teachings such as the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the Foundations of Mindfulness. It is not intended for those new to practice.

Program Includes

  • Teachings: Monthly (9) large group sessions (attendance at 6 of 9 live sessions required)
  • Practice: Monthly (9) interactive inquiry sessions [Q&A] (optional – will be recorded)
  • Sangha connection: Monthly (9) self-organized sessions with small group saṅgha (required—each group will determine a time that works for everyone), and affinity groups (optional)
  • Home practices: Readings, journaling, and reflections
  • Access: Video and audio recordings

Participation Commitment

To get the most out of this training and to support both the Sangha and the container, we ask that you commit to the following:

  • Must attend at least 6 of 9 large group sessions live (and access recordings of any missed sessions before the next large group session)
  • Meditation: 20-30 min/day recommended
  • Complete home practice assignments, practices, readings, journaling, and reflections: 4-8 hr/month
  • Participate fully in monthly large group sessions, as well as in self-facilitated small groups
  • Interactive inquiry and discussion sessions: 1 hr/month (highly recommended but not required, and will be recorded)
  • Attend ONE program orientation (Required, especially if you have not used our Online Learning Platform before. Just come – no need to RSVP!)


Please consider the amount you would be able to afford in order to participate in Deep Dive Dharma (DDD). We ask you to select the highest possible level of program fees that meet your needs, as your generosity allows for those with lesser means to attend.

Standard Sliding Scale:
Benefactor $5,000
Sustainer – $3,000
Basic – $1,850

Scholarship Rates:
Mudita/Karuna Scholarship Rate – $1,300
BIPOC Scholarship Rate – $1,300

Financial Details and Assistance

Participation in DDD requires your commitment of both time and financial resources. Payment plans are available for all levels of the sliding scale. Scholarship rates are limited and reserved for those truly experiencing financial hardship.

ALL participants have the option of paying in full, or a 25% deposit, at the time of registration. The remainder of any unpaid balance may be divided into six monthly installments* that will start the month following your paid deposit to the end of March 2025 (or which ever comes first). All fees should be paid in full by this time. Installments can only be set up on credit cards; and will be automatically set up using the same card you used to pay your deposit. *Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis for those with extreme financial hardship. If you need to withdraw from the program, the following fee structure will apply. Please reach out to us at:

Cancellation Policy
$75 non-refundable, flat fee on or before August 14, 2024 (deducted from deposit)
15% fee** = Aug 15 – Sept 12, 2024
30% fee** = Sept 13 – 27, 2024
50% fee** = Sept 28 – Oct 12, 2024
No refunds = On or after Oct 13, 2024
**Cancellation fee is a percentage of the total amount agreed to pay. These fees apply to all participants. Late cancellations do not allow us time to fill a vacated spot in the program. All fees help to support future scholarships at Spirit Rock.

About the Teachers

Pamela Weiss

Pamela Weiss is an author and Buddhist teacher, authorized to teach in both Soto Zen and Vipassana. She is a member of the Spirit Rock teacher council and a guiding teacher at San Francisco Insight. Pamela Weiss is a dual lineage Buddhist teacher in Theravada and Soto Zen, and the author of, "A Bigger Sky: […]

Learn more about Pamela Weiss

Erin Treat

Erin Treat has been practicing Buddhist meditation for nearly 30 years. She is the Guiding Teacher of Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center in northern New Mexico and served as Guiding Teacher of the Durango Dharma Center. Erin teaches the practical and the profound, from a heart grounded in respect for mystery and the many faces of […]

Learn more about Erin Treat

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