Metta for the Body (ES1M21)
Erin Selover, MS
April 15 - 18, 2021
Registration is open until 9:00 a.m. (Pacific Time) on April 15, 2021. A waiting list will be created if it fills early. A recording will not be available for this program.
Metta for the Body: An Immersion in Insight & Love
In your investigation of the world, never allow the mind to desert the body. Examine its nature, see the elements that comprise it. When its true nature is seen fully and lucidly by the heart, the wonders of the world will become clear.
– Ajahn Mun
Over a year into this global pandemic, many of our bodies are carrying more tension than ever. This process of collecting tension can cause chronic pain, emotional imbalance and contribute towards relational distress, or it can lead to compassion and insight. Buddhist teachings point directly to the body as a vehicle of liberating wisdom.
This retreat will focus on lovingkindness for the physical body and meditation on the elements as a path to well-being, liberating wisdom and love for self, others and world.
All are welcome! No one will be turned away for lack of funds as space allows. For more information, please email
About the Teacher
Erin Selover, MS
Erin Selover is a Dharma teacher with over 20 years of Buddhist training and serves as a residential retreat teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. She currently works as a Spiritual Strategist with individuals and is a Somatic-Based Marriage and Family Therapist.Since 2018, her passion has been distributive governance and needs-based gift economics. She has […]
Learn more about Erin Selover, MS