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Heart of Awareness (214X22)

John Martin, Anushka Fernandopulle, Tara Mulay, Hakim Tafari and Francisco Morillo Gable

November 27 - December 2, 2022

Date and Time Details:
Sunday to Friday
November 27 - December 2, 2022 (5 nights)
Arrival Time: 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Departure Time: 11:00 a.m.

On Land - Main Retreat Hall

Sliding Scale:
Fees DO NOT include a donation to the teacher(s). Code 214R22.

Contact: Spirit Rock Registration

Registration open until 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Time) on November 26, 2022. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early.


Taking refuge in silence, and within the container of the Spirit Rock land, we will practice stilling the mind and opening the heart. We will cultivate the beautiful heart qualities of mettā (lovingkindness), compassion, joy, and equanimity. The teachings will emphasize practical tools to carry the practice into daily life, supporting clarity, ease, and a sense of living in harmony with our heart’s deepest wishes. The retreat will include systematic instructions, guided meditations, sitting and walking periods, evening talks, and Qi Gong/Tai Chi practice.

Retreat Commuter Option:
Prerequisite to Attend as a Commuter:
You must have attended at least one 7-night or two 5-night silent, Insight (vipassanā) meditation residential retreats PRIOR to attending this retreat.

What is a retreat commuter?
A retreat commuter is a practitioner who attends a full residential retreat, including all meals, but they are not provided with overnight accommodations. Instead practitioners stay in their own home or find local accommodations. A communal resting area is provided during the day while on campus for the retreat. The retreat commuter is expected to attend the entire retreat just like residential retreatants. Special reduced rates are listed below for retreat commuters

If you have questions about being a retreat commuter, please email

Commuter Sliding Scale:
Benefactor – $950
Sustainer – $645
Base- $475

Residential Sliding Scale: $250-$2400; 5 nights including food and lodging.
Please consider paying at the highest rate that you can afford: your generosity supports Spirit Rock, staff, and your fellow practitioners. Any amount offered above the Base rate is a tax deductible donation to Spirit Rock, and your generosity will enable and support the participation of others. These fees do not include dana for the teachers.

Supporter (guaranteed single room) – $2400
Benefactor – $1900
Sustainer – $1450
Base – $950
Reduced – $600
Mudita/Karuna Scholarship (for anyone who needs financial assistance, including fixed income folks) – $250*
BIPOC Scholarship (for Black, Indigenous, and/or Persons of color) – $250*
Young Adult Scholarship (for young adults ages 18-26 years) – $250*

Scholarship offerings: In returning to the land, we will also be returning to our pre-pandemic scholarship options and policies. All scholarship rates require a minimum fee ($50/night). Scholarships are limited to TWO per calendar year for on-land retreats. And, while we are not able to offer “pay what you can”-type of scholarships for in-person retreats, they are still available for online offerings as space allows.

Hemera Fellowships – are you eligible? Learn more…

Room Occupancy Update*: Starting with our “Living with Awareness” retreat on March 27, 2022, we will return to double occupancy rooms. Many of our rooms are single occupancy (only 16 of 80 rooms are double occupancy). We will also return to offering a “guaranteed single room” rate and these will be limited (16). This rate guarantees a single room while helping to support scholarships and all we do here at Spirit Rock. The remaining single rooms are not exclusive to the top end of the sliding scale; however, they are initially prioritized for those with serious medical needs.

*Subject to change depending upon COVID-19 situation.

IMPORTANT – Details on our current COVID Safety Protocols for In-person Retreats.

Cancellation Policy for Residential Retreats as of April 2022*:
Standard Cancellation Fee Schedule:

  • $100 On or before 8 weeks
  • $175 4-8 weeks before
  • $300 2-4 weeks before
  • No refunds as of 2 weeks before

Scholarship Rates Cancellation Fees:

  • $75 On or before 8 weeks
  • $100 4-8 weeks before
  • $200 2-4 weeks before
  • No refunds as of 2 weeks before

*Fees reduced for serious illness or death in family

About the Teachers

John Martin

John Martin has been devoted to dharma practice since 2001, and has been teaching since 2014. He serves as the Co-Chair of the Spirit Rock Guiding Teachers Council. John teaches Vipassana, Metta and LGBTQI-themed meditation retreats. He also teaches in dedicated practitioner programs and supports practitioners in bringing practice to daily life. John's spiritual path […]

Learn more about John Martin
Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle is a Spirit Rock Retreat Teacher who has trained for over 35 years in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Anushka studied Buddhism at Harvard College and then spent four years in full-time Dharma and meditation training in monasteries and retreat centers in the US, India and Sri Lanka. Anushka was invited to teach Dharma […]

Learn more about Anushka Fernandopulle

Tara Mulay

Tara Mulay teaches and mentors Dharma practitioners on retreat and in daily life practice. Trained and authorized by the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, Tara serves as a Guiding Teacher and board member at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California, and teaches nationally. Tara's journey into Dharma practice began during her 20-year career […]

Learn more about Tara Mulay

Hakim Tafari

Hakim Tafari has studied martial arts since 1996, starting off with Southern-style Praying Mantis Kung Fu. After a major knee injury, he did a lot of research and decided to start studying Tai Chi Chuan. From 1998 until present, Hakim has studied, taught, researched, and spent many hours practicing the art. During this time, he […]

Learn more about Hakim Tafari
Francisco Morillo Gable

Francisco Morillo Gable

Francisco has been devoted to Dharma since 2003.  Thanks to this, he made an unexpected recovery from an accident that rendered him disabled.  He studies and teaches early Buddhism with Bikkhu Analayo.  He is in teacher training at the Insight Meditation Center with Andrea Fella and Gil Fronsdal.  His primary interests are teaching underserved groups […]

Learn more about Francisco Morillo Gable

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