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Cultivating Equanimity: The Happiness of a Heart in Balance and Peace (298R23) - On Land

Nikki Mirghafori, PhD, Sylvia Boorstein, PhD, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, Liz Powell and Janice Clarfield

November 27 - December 3, 2023

Date and Time Details:
Monday to Sunday
November 27-December 3, 2023 (6 nights)
Arrival Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Departure Time: 11:00am

On Land - Main Retreat Hall

Contact: Spirit Rock Registration

  • Reduced-shared room – $780.00
  • Supporter-guaranteed single – $3,120.00
  • Benefactor-shared room – $2,460.00
  • Sustainer-shared room – $1,890.00
  • Base Rate-shared room – $1,230.00
  • Mudita/Karuna Scholarship-shared room – $330.00
  • BIPOC Scholarship-shared room – $330.00
  • Toni Ko Scholarship-shared room – $50.00
  • Young Adult Scholarship-shared room – $330.00
  • Benefactor-Commuter Rate – $1,230.00
  • Sustainer-Commuter Rate – $925.00
  • Base-Commuter Rate – $615.00

Cancellation Policy:* Standard Cancellation Fee Schedule:

  • $100 On or before 8 weeks (Oct 2)
  • $175 4-8 weeks before (Oct 3 - Oct 30)
  • $300 2-4 weeks before (Oct 31 - Nov 13)
  • No refunds as of 2 weeks before(Nov 14)

Scholarship and Commuter Rate Cancellation Fees:
  • $75 On or before 8 weeks (Oct 2)
  • $100 4-8 weeks before (Oct 3 - Oct 30)
  • $200 2-4 weeks before (Oct 31 - Nov 13)
  • No refunds as of 2 weeks before(Nov 14)
*Fees reduced for serious illness or death in family

Registration open until 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on November 26, 2023. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early.

Interested in Commuting to the retreat? – learn more below.


Equanimity is a crown jewel of Buddhist practice, the unshakable balance of mind-heart born of the perfection of wisdom and love. It is neither aloof nor cool, as mistakenly imagined, but imbues the heart with tremendous stability and caring presence to neither push away nor drown in experience. Equanimity is the fourth and final brahmavihāra (heavenly dwelling), imbuing lovingkindness, compassion, and vicarious joy with balance. As the seventh factor of awakening, its development is needed for advancing in the path. It guards the mind-heart in the midst of the eight worldly winds of gain/loss, fame/disrepute, pleasure/pain, and praise/blame, which afflict our human lives at one time or another. Equanimity is such a rich and deep teaching that the Visuddhimagga (Path of Purification), teaches ten different types of equanimity. Cultivating equanimity is paramount for a heart-mind in balance, peace, and happiness at every stage of our practice.

This retreat is silent except for teacher-led Q&A, small groups, or other practice meetings.

Financial Details
Residential Retreat Sliding Scale:*
Supporter Rate w/guaranteed single room – $3120
Benefactor Rate – $2460
Sustainer Rate – $1890
BASE – $1230
Reduced Rate – $780
Toni Ko Scholarship Rate – $50 (Must meet all criteria: 27-55 yrs old, first silent residential retreat, and new to meditation, one time award. Only available on a 6-night retreat.)
Scholarship Rate (BIPOC, Mudita/Karuna, or Young Adult) – $330
*Fees DO NOT include a donation to the teacher(s).

Scholarship offerings: All scholarship rates require a minimum fee ($55/night). Scholarships are limited to TWO per calendar year for on-land retreats. And, while we are not able to offer “pay what you can”-type of scholarships for in-person retreats, they are still available for online offerings as space allows.

Room Occupancy**: We have double and single occupancy rooms. Many of our rooms are single occupancy (only 16 of 80 rooms are double occupancy). We offer a “guaranteed single room” rate and these will be limited (16). This rate guarantees a single room while helping to support scholarships and all we do here at Spirit Rock. The remaining single rooms are not exclusive to the top end of the sliding scale; however, they are initially prioritized for those with serious medical needs.

**Subject to change depending upon COVID-19 situation.

IMPORTANT – Details on our current COVID Safety Protocols for In-person Retreats.

Cancellation Policy for Residential Retreats:***
Standard Cancellation Fee Schedule:

  • $100 On or before 8 weeks
  • $175 4-8 weeks before
  • $300 2-4 weeks before
  • No refunds as of 2 weeks before

Scholarship Rates (and Commuter) Cancellation Fees:

  • $75 On or before 8 weeks
  • $100 4-8 weeks before
  • $200 2-4 weeks before
  • No refunds as of 2 weeks before

***Fees reduced for serious illness or death in family

Retreat Commuter Option:
The retreat commuter option will only become available once the retreat is full with a waitlist.

Prerequisite to Attend as a Commuter:
You must have attended at least one 7-night or two 5-night silent, Insight (vipassanā) meditation residential retreats PRIOR to attending this retreat.

What is a Retreat Commuter?
A retreat commuter is a practitioner who attends a full residential retreat, including all meals, but they are not provided with overnight accommodations. Instead practitioners stay in their own home or find local accommodations. A communal resting area is provided during the day while on campus for the retreat. The retreat commuter is expected to attend the entire retreat just like residential retreatants. Special reduced rates are listed below for retreat commuters

If you have questions about being a retreat commuter, please email

Commuter Sliding Scale:
Benefactor – $1230
Sustainer – $925
Base – $615

About the Teachers

Nikki Mirghafori, PhD

Nikki Mirghafori, PhD, is a Buddhist teacher and Artificial Intelligence scientist. She is a lineage holder in the Theravada tradition, empowered by the living Burmese meditation master Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw, with whom she practiced the jhanas and detailed analytical (Abhidhamma-style) vipassana. She also received empowerment from the Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Insight Meditation Society, […]

Learn more about Nikki Mirghafori, PhD

Sylvia Boorstein, PhD

Sylvia Boorstein has been teaching Dharma and mindfulness meditation since 1985. She is a founding Spirit Rock teacher, a psychologist, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She is particularly interested in emphasizing daily life as a mindfulness practice and including informed citizenship and social activism as integral to spiritual maturation. Her books include: It's Easier Than […]

Learn more about Sylvia Boorstein, PhD
Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH

Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH

Bonnie Duran embarked on her journey with the Dharma in 1982. She has since taken teachings from a diverse array of Western teachers, such as Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, and Kamala Masters, as well as Thai, Burmese, and Tibetan Monastic teachers. Bonnie's credentials include graduating from the Insight Meditation Society (IMS)/Spirit Rock Meditation Center (SRMC) […]

Learn more about Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH

Liz Powell

Liz Powell has been practicing Vipassana meditation since 2004. She is currently in teacher training with Gil Fronsdal and Andrea Fella, and concurrently in Nature Dharma Teacher Training with Susie Harrington, Mark Coleman and Gil. She is a graduate of Dharma Mentoring Training and Local Dharma Leader Training Programs with Gil Fronsdal and Andrea Fella […]

Learn more about Liz Powell

Janice Clarfield

Janice Clarfield has been a student of yoga and meditation for more than 25 years. She has studied related body-mind practices including dance, somatic psychotherapy, and energy medicine. The intention of the work is to deepen experience, understanding, and enjoyment while integrating physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual well-being. In this way, the practice becomes […]

Learn more about Janice Clarfield

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