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Nobantu Mpotulo

Nobantu Mpotulo

Nobantu, from South Africa, is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s CDL4 program, a long-time Dharma student of Kittisaro and Thanissara and a certified graduate of their Dharmapala Training program. Nobantu is a Buddhist and mindfulness teacher and a co-director of Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat in KwaZulu Natal where she also teaches.

Nobantu has an MA in Counseling and worked in HR. Her work with the Enneagram, Mindfulness, Deep democracy, Gestalt and Peace Circles, combined with constellation work and Buddhist practice enables her to take people into very deep spaces. A constellation facilitator at the Integral African Conference, Nobantu is also faculty on the IPC program with IA:TCC bringing her immersion of Ubuntu into practice.

Being amongst the first five African Coaches globally to be accredited as a MCC by the International Coach Federation, and having experience in varied sectors, Nobanto is a sought-after facilitator for Leadership Development Programs and coaches internationally.