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Leslie Booker

Booker is a heart-centered, spirit-driven activist and meditation teacher committed to creating a culture of belonging through her teaching and writing. She trained at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in their Mindful Yoga and Meditation (2012), Community Dharma Leaders (2017), and Retreat Teacher training programs (2020). Outside of her formal training, she shared the practices of yoga and mindfulness with New York City’s most vulnerable populations for over a decade, and served as the Director of Trainings for Lineage Project for 10 years.

She spent many years sharing her expertise nationally as a guest lecturer at conferences such as Mind & Life Institute’s International Symposium, Wisdom 2.0, and Mindfulness in Education—expanding our vision around culturally responsive teaching, and changing the paradigm of self and community care. Booker has been a featured speaker and facilitator at the Fetzer Institute, Vassar, and Pitzer Colleges, and at the Contemplative Sciences Center at the University of Virginia. She’s especially passionate about supporting the sustainability of folks on the front lines including activists, organizers, and educators, and has trained future teachers through the Peace Corps’ Jaffe Fellows and Teaching Residents at Columbia University’s Teacher’s College

Booker collaborated with long time friends and co-conspirators to create the trauma-informed anthology Practicing Liberation: Transformative Strategies for Collective Healing & Systems Change, and its accompanying workbook for folks working towards social justice. Booker has also co-authored and contributed to several publications including Best Practices for Yoga in a Criminal Justice Setting, Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality’s report on Gender & Trauma: Somatic Interventions for Girls in Juvenile Justice, and Dr. Rima Vesely-Flad’s book Black Buddhists and the Black Radical Tradition. She is a co-founder of the Yoga Service Council at Omega Institute and the Meditation Working Group of Occupy Wall Street. In 2020 she was invited to be a Sojourner Truth Leadership Fellow through Auburn Seminary and was voted by her peers as one of the 12 Powerful Women in the Mindfulness Movement.
Booker moved to Philadelphia in August of 2020 to vote in a swing state, and currently serves as the Guiding Teacher of New York Insight.


Upcoming Programs by Leslie Booker

On Joy + Sorrow: Feeling Grounded in Your Depth (LB1D25)

February 23, 2025

Registration closes at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 23, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Description: There are many ways for us to know joy in our Dharma practice, including muditā (joy for another’s happiness), the embodied energy of pīti, and […]

This is How Civilizations Heal: The Alchemy of the Three Poisons - A BIPOC Retreat (234R25) - On Land

Also Amana Brembry Johnson, Gullu Singh, JD, Yong Oh and Jonathan Relucio

June 27 - July 3, 2025

Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on June 26, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship Offerings information below. Open to: Self-identified Black, Indigenous, […]

Moving into Meditation: Mindful Yoga and Embodied Dharma (236R25) - On Land

Also Anne Cushman and Tina Clay

July 4 - 8, 2025

Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on July 3, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]

In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat (286R25) - On Land

Also Vinny Ferraro and Teja Bell

December 1 - 7, 2025

Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on November 30, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]