Structured retreat events, like daylong, weekend, and multi-day programs.
Freeing the Hindered Mind: The Dharma of Working with Challenging Emotions and Mind States (MG1M25)
Kate Munding and Antonia Fokken
Registration closes at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on March 8, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. Please read Important Notes below.* Open to: Self-identified women Program to be held on the land only Description: Life is often complicated and challenging, making it easy to feel lost or disconnected from our […]
Qigong and Meditation: Cultivating Well-Being and Centeredness (TJ1M25)
Teja Bell
Register for Online Please only register for one of the two formats: On-Land or Online. Registration closes at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on March 22, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Program to be held on the land and online! Description: This […]
Qigong and Meditation: Cultivating Well-Being and Centeredness (TJ1Z25)
Teja Bell
Register for On-Land Please only register for one of the two formats: On-Land or Online. Registration closes at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on March 22, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Description: This weekend retreat brings together the two rivers of meditation […]
Steadying the Heart: Refuge through the Four Sublime States (214R25) - On Land
Oren Jay Sofer, SEP, Cara Lai, MA, Yong Oh, Jessica Morey, MA, Gullu Singh, JD and David Cabrera
Register for Online Please only register for one of the two formats: On Land or Online. Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on March 31, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more […]
Insight Meditation Retreat (216R25) - On Land
Gil Fronsdal, Tuere Sala, DaRa Williams and Kaira Jewel Lingo
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on April 8, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Retreat as Ceremony: Mindfulness and Indigenous Presence for Wellness and Healing (218X25) - Lottery
Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, Carol Cano, MA and Mario Castillo
Lottery application opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on December 17, 2024 and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on January 7, 2025. Admission for this retreat is by application and a lottery-style selection in order to maintain a diverse community of practitioners - see Selection Details below for more information. Retreat to be held on the […]
Retreat as Ceremony: Mindfulness and Indigenous Presence for Wellness and Healing (218R25) - On Land
Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, Carol Cano, MA and Francisco Morillo Gable
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on April 19, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Open to: Everyone Description Indigenous […]
April Insight Meditation Retreat (220X25) - Lottery
Kamala Masters, Joseph Goldstein, Tara Mulay, Vance Pryor and Winnie Nazarko
Lottery application opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 26, 2024 and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on December 17, 2024. Admission for this retreat is by application and a lottery-style selection in order to maintain a diverse community of practitioners - see Selection Details below for more information. Previously known as the July Insight […]
April Insight Meditation Retreat (220R25) - On Land
Kamala Masters, Joseph Goldstein, Tara Mulay, Vance Pryor and Winnie Nazarko
Register to Audit the Retreat Please only register for one of the two formats: On-Land or Audit (online). Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on April 20, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? […]
Cultivating Self-Compassion as Loving, Connected Presence (KN1M25)
Kristin Neff, PhD and Caverly Morgan
Register for Online Please only register for one of the two formats: On-Land or Online. Registration closes at 8:00am (Pacific Time) on April 26, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Continuing Education Credits? (see details below). Program to be held on […]
Cultivating Self-Compassion as Loving, Connected Presence (KN1Z25)
Kristin Neff, PhD and Caverly Morgan
Register for On-Land Please only register for one of the two formats: On-Land or Online. Registration closes at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on April 26, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Continuing Education Credits? (see details below) Description: Self-compassion is a powerful […]
Naturally Arising Ease, Awareness, and Insight (222R25) - On Land
Dana DePalma, MA, MFT, Phillip Moffitt, MA, Tuere Sala, Alex Haley, PhD, JD and Ying Chen, PhD
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on April 30, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Prerequisite: Completion of one (or […]
Spring Insight Retreat (224R25) - On Land
Matthew Brensilver, PhD, Brian Lesage, Tuere Sala and Fernmarie Rodriguez
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on May 8, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Spring Insight Retreat: Understand the […]
The Nature of Awareness: A Retreat for Experienced Students (226R25) - On Land
Guy Armstrong, Sally Armstrong, Dawn Scott, Susie Harrington, devon hase and Rasika Link
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on May 16, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Prerequisite: Completion of at least two […]
Disentangling the Tangle: Finding Freedom in Relationship with Ourselves, Others, and the World (228R25) - On Land
Ayya Santacitta, Ayya Santussika, Ayya Cittananda and Emily Carpenter
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on May 29, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? If you have questions about being a retreat commuter, please email Description: Working with the Four Establishments […]
Intuitive Wisdom and Embodied Love (229R25) - On Land
Erin Selover, MS and Emily Horn
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on June 4, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Cultivating Awakening Emotions (230R25) - On Land
Tuere Sala
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on June 12, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Mindfulness for Everyone (232R25) - On Land
Carol Cano, MA, Gullu Singh, JD, Dawn Mauricio and Kimber Simpkins-Nuccio
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on June 20, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Description Mindfulness offers us tools […]
This is How Civilizations Heal: The Alchemy of the Three Poisons - A BIPOC Retreat (234R25) - On Land
Leslie Booker, Amana Brembry Johnson, Gullu Singh, JD, Yong Oh and Jonathan Relucio
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on June 26, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship Offerings information below. Open to: Self-identified Black, Indigenous, […]
This is How Civilizations Heal: The Alchemy of the Three Poisons (234X25) - Lottery
Leslie Booker, Amana Brembry Johnson, Gullu Singh, JD and Jonathan Relucio
Lottery application opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 6, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on February 27, 2025. Admission for this retreat is by application and a lottery-style selection in order to maintain a diverse community of practitioners - see Selection Details below for more information. Open to self-identified BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, […]
Moving into Meditation: Mindful Yoga and Embodied Dharma (236R25) - On Land
Anne Cushman, Leslie Booker and Tina Clay
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on July 3, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Summer Lovingkindness Retreat (238R25) - On Land
Tempel Smith, Rebecca Bradshaw, Anushka Fernandopulle, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, John Martin and Rasika Link
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on July 8,2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on the […]
Summer Insight Meditation Retreat (240R25) - On Land
Tempel Smith, Anushka Fernandopulle, John Martin, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, Rebecca Bradshaw and Rasika Link
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on July 17, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
The Family Retreat (242R25) - On Land
Diana Winston, Ajahn Cunda, Cara Lai, MA and Ofosu Jones-Quartey
This registration page is ONLY for those families who have been offered a spot. If you were not offered a spot, we kindly ask that you do not continue your registration and check in with the Registration Department: Prerequisite: At least ONE parent/caregiver must have attended a silent meditation retreat of at least 4 […]
The Family Retreat (242X25) - Application 2025
Diana Winston, Ajahn Cunda, Cara Lai, MA and Ofosu Jones-Quartey
Applications open at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and close at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on April 17, 2025. Admission for this retreat is by application and a lottery-style selection in order to maintain a diverse community of practitioners - see Selection Details below for more information. Open to: Families with children ages 7-15 […]
Young Adult Retreat (246R25) - On Land
Matthew Brensilver, PhD, Cara Lai, MA, Vinny Ferraro and Hakim Tafari
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on August 9, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Nature is our Body: Dharma and Connection to the Earth (248R25) - On Land
Anushka Fernandopulle, Jozen Tamori Gibson and Dawn Scott
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on August 10, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Five Spiritual Powers: Cultivating Resilience, Balance, and Love (250R25) - On Land
JD Doyle, Amana Brembry Johnson, Carol Cano, MA and Jonathan Relucio
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on August 16, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Clarity, Connection, and Compassion: The Liberating Path of Mindfulness (252R25) - On Land
Tara Mulay, Shelly Graf and Lissa Edmond
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on August 16, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Finding Refuge, Finding Home: A Retreat in Nature (254R25) - On Land
Susie Harrington, Yong Oh and Kirsten Rudestam
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on August 21, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Labor Day Insight Meditation Retreat (256R25) - On Land
James Baraz, MA, Howard Cohn, MA, Tuere Sala and Terry Vandiver
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on August 26, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Insight Meditation for the Curious: Essentials Retreat for New and Experienced Meditators (257R25) - On Land
Diana Winston, Carol Cano, MA, Alex Haley, PhD, JD and Lissa Edmond
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on September 10, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Description Have you ever been […]
Finding Home in Sangha: A Retreat for Asian Heritage Community (258R25) - On Land
Gullu Singh, JD, Louije Kim, Dawn Mauricio and Jonathan Relucio
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on September 14, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Awakening through the Three Characteristics: A Women’s Liberation Retreat (260R25) - On Land
Erin Selover, MS, Kate Johnson, MA, Victoria Cary and Monica Magtoto
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on September 19, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Devotion to the Sacred (262R25) - On Land
James Baraz, MA, Anam Thubten, Trudy Goodman, PhD and Jill White Lindsay
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on September 25, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation (264R25) - On Land
Brian Lesage and Neesha Patel, PhD
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on September 25, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Wild Wise Words: A Mindfulness Meditation and Writing Retreat (266R25) - On Land
Pamela Weiss and Amana Brembry Johnson
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on September 30, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Buddha’s Teachings on the Body: The 32 Parts Practice (268R25) - On Land
Nikki Mirghafori, PhD and Bob Stahl, PhD
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on September 30, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Concentration and Insight Meditation (270R25) - On Land
Will Kabat-Zinn, MA, Victoria Cary, Lienchi Tran and Bob Stahl, PhD
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on October 5, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Fall Insight Meditation Retreat (272R25) - On Land
Tuere Sala, Eugene Cash, Matthew Brensilver, PhD, devon hase and Hakim Tafari
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, October 15, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held […]
Settling, Seeing, and Spacious Awareness (276R25) - On Land
Donald Rothberg, PhD and Tere Abdala-Romano
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on October 24, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Maraṇasati: Contemplating Death - Awakening to Life (274R25) - On Land
Eugene Cash, Victoria Cary and Hakim Tafari
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on October 24, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Cultivating Love, Clarity, and Resilience: An LGBTQIA+ and GNC Retreat (278R25) - On Land
John Martin, Anushka Fernandopulle and bruni dávila
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on Friday, October 31, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held […]
Grief as a Change Agent of Transformation and Resiliency (280X25) - Lottery
Carol Cano, MA, Amana Brembry Johnson and Pamela Weiss
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on July 16, 2025. Admission for this retreat is by application and a lottery-style selection in order to maintain a diverse community of practitioners - see Selection Details below for more information. Description: Grief is not sequestered to the […]
Grief as a Change Agent of Transformation and Resiliency (280R25) - On Land
Carol Cano, MA, Amana Brembry Johnson, Pamela Weiss and Jonathan Relucio
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on July 16, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Description Grief is not sequestered […]
Natural Radiance: Exploring the Freedom of Awareness (282R25) - On Land
Susie Harrington, Yong Oh, Mei Elliott, Guy Armstrong and Teresa Todoroff
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Reclamation of the Sacred: Journey into Refuge, Presence, and Love (284R25) - On Land
Gullu Singh, JD, Yong Oh, Dawn Mauricio, Eugene Cash and Djuna Devereaux
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on November 21, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat (286R25) - On Land
Vinny Ferraro, Leslie Booker and Teja Bell
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on November 30, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Retreat to be held on […]
Disentangling the Heart: Clear Awareness and Insight (287R25) - On Land
Tara Mulay, Howard Cohn, MA and Devin Berry
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on December 7, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Description A practitioner once said […]
Equanimity: Riding the Waves with Balance (288R25) - On Land
James Baraz, MA, Gullu Singh, JD, Mei Elliott and Teresa Todoroff
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on December 11, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Description Equanimity (upekkhā) is a […]
Winter Solstice Retreat: Embracing the Dark, Inviting the Light (290R25) - On Land
Dawn Scott, devon hase, Yong Oh, Heather Sundberg and David Cabrera
Register for Online Please only register for one of the two formats: On Land or Online. Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on December 17, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn […]
New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat (292X25) - Lottery
Eugene Cash, devon hase, Dawn Scott, Tuere Sala and Hakim Tafari
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on August 20, 2025. Admission for this retreat is by application and a lottery-style selection in order to maintain a diverse community of practitioners - see Selection Details below for more information. Description: This is a traditional Insight Meditation […]
New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat (292R25) - On Land
Eugene Cash, devon hase, Dawn Scott, Tuere Sala and Hakim Tafari
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on August 20, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Description: This is a traditional […]