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On-Demand Course

On-Demand Course hosted on our LMS, focusing solely on self-paced, asynchronous learning experiences.

Essential Buddhist Teachings (MC1N24)

Mark Coleman, MA

Open Dates

Online Learning Platform

Description Essential Buddhist Teachings is a detailed introduction to the Buddha’s teachings and the practices of Insight Meditation. This course emphasizes the cultivation of mindful awareness and learning how to apply and live these wisdom and heart practices in our daily lives. These are essential teachings for building a baseline understanding of the Buddhist path […]

World as Lover, World as Self (JM1N24)

Joanna Macy, PhD and Jennifer Berezan

Open Dates

Online Learning Platform

Description Joanna Macy’s 1991 book World as Lover, World as Self helped create the Engaged Buddhist movement and has been an inspiration to thousands of people seeking to integrate Buddhist wisdom with social and environmental action. It is the foundation of her life’s work, now known as The Work That Reconnects. Macy is a beloved […]

The Refuge of Dhamma: Exploring the Buddha's Discourses (SF1N24)

Sean Oakes, PhD

Open Dates

Online via our Online Learning Platform

Description The discourses of the Buddha, called suttas, are one of the world’s most majestic collections of spiritual teaching. They record many styles of teaching, from inspiring poetry to psychological guidance, social theory, and philosophical masterpieces that address the deepest human fears, hopes, and potential. In this course and practice series we dive into the […]

Embodying Mettā: Somatic Approaches to Lovingkindness & the Four Elements (DM1N24)

Dawn Mauricio

Open Dates

Online Learning Platform

Description The practice of mettā, or lovingkindness, is one of four "divine abidings" of the heart according to the Buddha's teachings. While traditionally taught through phrase recitation, there are countless doorways to cultivating this profound quality. Many practitioners find themselves: Struggling with traditional mettā practices Questioning if they're "doing it right." Caught in self-judgment about their […]

The Joy of Samādhi: Practices to Cultivate Concentration (NM1N24)

Nikki Mirghafori, PhD

Open Dates

Online Learning Platform

Description: The foundational meditation practice of samatha leads to the state of samādhi, where the mind is undistracted, bright, and spacious. Such sustained practice can culminate in profoundly still states, known as jhāna, where the mind becomes blissfully absorbed in the object of attention. This practice often conjures up tense effort with a furrowed brow, […]

White & Awakening: Mindfulness Practices for Exploring and Disrupting the Impact of White Conditioning (CJ1N24)

Crystal A. Johnson, PhD

Open Dates

Online Learning Platform

Description: This is a self-paced, on-demand course for self-identified white folx and those for whom whiteness is a significant part of their identity. The course walks the learner through the historical creation of whiteness and how it operates systemically and offers exercises, techniques, and mindfulness practices for working with the difficult emotions that arise when […]

Equanimity: Finding Balance in Difficult Times (JB1N24)

James Baraz, MA

Open Dates

Online Learning Platform

Description: Equanimity (upekkhā) is a highly-valued quality in Buddhist teachings. But what is equanimity? How do we cultivate it in our meditation practice? Even more, how do we access it in daily life, especially in times like these with so much uncertainty, fear, and sadness over the suffering in the world? Through talks, meditations, and […]

Next Step Dharma: Integrate Your Retreat into Daily Life (OS1N24)

Oren Jay Sofer, SEP and Jaya Rudgard

Open Dates

Online via our Online Learning Platform

Description: This six-week online course is designed to guide participants in bringing the fruits of their retreat back home and integrating their mindfulness practice into their daily lives. Throughout this unique course series, you will receive skilled guidance from founding Insight teachers while creating and maintaining deep community and spiritual friendships with a diverse group […]