CE Credits
Programs offering Continuing Education credits.
The Joy of Samādhi: Practices to Cultivate Concentration (NM1N24)
Nikki Mirghafori, PhD
Online Learning Platform
Description: The foundational meditation practice of samatha leads to the state of samādhi, where the mind is undistracted, bright, and spacious. Such sustained practice can culminate in profoundly still states, known as jhāna, where the mind becomes blissfully absorbed in the object of attention. This practice often conjures up tense effort with a furrowed brow, […]
White & Awakening: Mindfulness Practices for Exploring and Disrupting the Impact of White Conditioning (CJ1N24)
Crystal A. Johnson, PhD
Online Learning Platform
Description: This is a self-paced, on-demand course for self-identified white folx and those for whom whiteness is a significant part of their identity. The course walks the learner through the historical creation of whiteness and how it operates systemically and offers exercises, techniques, and mindfulness practices for working with the difficult emotions that arise when […]
Equanimity: Finding Balance in Difficult Times (JB1N24)
James Baraz, MA
Online Learning Platform
Description: Equanimity (upekkhā) is a highly-valued quality in Buddhist teachings. But what is equanimity? How do we cultivate it in our meditation practice? Even more, how do we access it in daily life, especially in times like these with so much uncertainty, fear, and sadness over the suffering in the world? Through talks, meditations, and […]
Anxiety: It's Not All in Your Mind (Skillful Means to Approach the Mind and Body) (JS1C25)
Jill Satterfield
Description: Sensing and cognizing are two sides of our conscious awareness coin. The body senses before the mind cognizes, so discovering aspects of anxiety in the body is just as important as investigating thoughts in the mind. When it comes to anxiety, thinking about it tends to exacerbate it, whereas sensing it in the body […]
Awake in the Wild Nature Meditation Program: Nature-Based Mindfulness Practices to Enhance Joy, Wisdom, and Well-Being (MC2T25)
Mark Coleman, MA
Registration closes at 11:59pm (US Pacific Time) on Friday May 2, 2025, PRIOR to the second class. A waiting list will be created if it fills early. An audio recording will be available following each session. Continuing Education Credits? (see details below) Program Dates: April - June 2025 Daily Session Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm Pacific […]
Retreat as Ceremony: Mindfulness and Indigenous Presence for Wellness and Healing (218X25) - Lottery
Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, Carol Cano, MA and Mario Castillo
Lottery application opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on December 17, 2024 and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on January 7, 2025. Admission for this retreat is by application and a lottery-style selection in order to maintain a diverse community of practitioners - see Selection Details below for more information. Retreat to be held on the […]
Retreat as Ceremony: Mindfulness and Indigenous Presence for Wellness and Healing (218R25) - On Land
Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, Carol Cano, MA and Francisco Morillo Gable
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on April 19, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Open to: Everyone Description Indigenous […]
Cultivating Self-Compassion as Loving, Connected Presence (KN1M25)
Kristin Neff, PhD and Caverly Morgan
Register for Online Please only register for one of the two formats: On-Land or Online. Registration closes at 8:00am (Pacific Time) on April 26, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Continuing Education Credits? (see details below). Program to be held on […]
Cultivating Self-Compassion as Loving, Connected Presence (KN1Z25)
Kristin Neff, PhD and Caverly Morgan
Register for On-Land Please only register for one of the two formats: On-Land or Online. Registration closes at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on April 26, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Continuing Education Credits? (see details below) Description: Self-compassion is a powerful […]
Spring Insight Retreat (224R25) - On Land
Matthew Brensilver, PhD, Brian Lesage and Tuere Sala
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on May 8, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Spring Insight Retreat: Understand the […]
Awakening Joy: Cultivating Well-Being in Intense Times (JB2M25)
James Baraz, MA
Register for Online Please only register for one of the two formats: On-Land or Online. Registration closes at 8:30am (Pacific Time) on May 24, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Continuing Education Credits? (see details below). Program to be held on […]
Awakening Joy: Cultivating Well-Being in Intense Times (JB2Z25)
James Baraz, MA
Register for On-Land Please only register for one of the two formats: On-Land or Online. Registration closes at 8:30am (Pacific Time) on May 24, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the program fills early. A recording* will be available following the program. Continuing Education Credits? (see details below). Program to be held on […]
Mindfulness for Everyone (232R25) - On Land
Carol Cano, MA, Gullu Singh, JD, Dawn Mauricio and Kimber Simpkins-Nuccio
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on November 13, 2024, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on June 20, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Description Mindfulness offers us tools […]
Buddhist Psychology Training (BPT6) - Fall 2025
Matthew Brensilver, PhD
Buddhist Psychology Training: Integrating Mindfulness, Science, and Clinical Practice Prerequisites General Prerequisite: Completion of at least one silent multi-day residential or multi-day online Insight Meditation retreat recommended by the start of the program (e.g. Spirit Rock, IMS, IRC, etc.) Professional Prerequisite: This program is designed with mental health professionals in mind, but is open to […]
Grief as a Change Agent of Transformation and Resiliency (280R25) - On Land
Carol Cano, MA, Amana Brembry Johnson, Pamela Weiss and Jonathan Relucio
Registration opens at 9:00am (Pacific Time) on February 19, 2025, and closes at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) on July 16, 2025. A waiting list will be created if the retreat fills early. Interested in Commuting to the retreat? - learn more below. Needing a scholarship? - see Scholarship offerings information below. Description Grief is not sequestered […]